In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

栏目:萨克斯 发布时间:2022-05-06 18:15 浏览次数:

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱该歌谱演奏者为未知,歌曲名称为In the Green and Red Season (四重奏),歌谱类型为萨克斯谱。此乐器用单簧片吹奏,开闭音孔的构造与双簧管差不多,音域与双簧管相似,应属木管乐器,但管体是铜制的又可属铜管乐器。它上细下粗音口向上,很像低音单簧管。从低音到高音有许多种萨克斯管,而且全是移调乐器。萨克斯管音色异常丰富迷人,强吹奏时类似铜管,弱奏时类似木管,是一种管乐器类最好的合作伙伴。

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱

In the Greenand Red Season萨克斯谱



