Hail, Columbia(嗨!哥伦比亚)口琴谱

栏目:口琴 发布时间:2020-01-08 11:08 浏览次数:

Hail, Columbia(嗨!哥伦比亚)口琴谱该歌谱演奏者为霍普金森,歌曲名称为Hail, Columbia(嗨!哥伦比亚),歌谱类型为口琴谱。1798年4月25日在费城一家剧院首次演唱《嗨!哥伦比亚》时,听众报以热烈的掌声和欢呼。其曲调是套用为华盛顿总统第一次就职典礼而作的《总统进行曲》的曲调。原来的题目为《爱的新联邦之歌──改编为总统进行曲》,但在一年之内,又重新题名为《嗨!哥伦比亚》。

Hail, Columbia(嗨!哥伦比亚)口琴谱

Hail, Columbia(嗨!哥伦比亚)口琴谱




Hail Columbia, happy land!
Hail, ye heroes, heaven-born band,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
Who fought and bled in freedom's cause,
And when the storm of war was gone
Enjoy'd the peace your valor won。
Let independence be our boast,
Ever mindful what it cost;
Ever grateful for the prize,
Let its altar reach the skies。
Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find。
Immortal patriots, rise once more,
Defend your rights, defend your shore!
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Let no rude foe, with impious hand,
Invade the shrine where sacred lies
Of toil and blood, the well-earned prize,
While offering peace, sincere and just,
In Heaven's we place a manly trust,
That truth and justice will prevail,
And every scheme of bondage fail。
Firm, united let us be,
Rallying round our liberty,
As a band of brothers joined,
Peace and safety we shall find。