
栏目:口琴 发布时间:2022-04-09 07:58 浏览次数:

当我们年轻时光口琴谱该歌谱演奏者为约翰·施特劳斯,歌曲名称为当我们年轻时光,歌谱类型为口琴谱。此歌由奥地利著名作曲家约翰·施特劳斯作曲,汉默斯顿填词,英文歌曲名称是《one day when we were young》




《翠堤春晓》是一部描写“圆舞曲之王”约翰·施特劳斯生活的故事片。在这部影片里,施特劳斯爱上了一位女高音歌唱家,他们在一起生活时,那位歌唱家经常唱他写的这首歌。由于此歌曲调很优美,便于记忆,又有这么一个动人的情节,因此给观众的印象极为深刻。影片放映之后,此歌到处传唱。 这首歌其实是影片编导选取了约翰·施特劳斯1885年写的轻歌剧《吉普赛男爵》里的一首男女声二重唱的曲调,名为“Wer Uns Getraut”,由影片编导汉默斯顿根据影片的故事情节重新填词,才成为了这首《当我们年轻时》。至于“电影里,施特劳斯为了女歌唱家写作这段乐曲之事”,后人很难确定。


one day when we were young
one wonderful morning in may
you told me you love me
when we were young one day
sweet songs of spring were sung
and music was never so gay
you told me you love me
when we were young one day
you told me you love me
and held me close to your heart
we laughed then,we cried then
then came the time to part
when songs of spring are sung
remember that morning in may
remember,you loved me
when we were young one day

上一篇:杜丘之歌 下一篇:绣荷包(云南民歌)