American Idiot吉他谱

栏目:吉他 发布时间:2022-05-16 06:44 浏览次数:

American Idiot吉他谱该歌谱演奏者为欧美经典 ,歌曲名称为American Idiot,歌谱类型为吉他谱。《American Idiot》是美国朋克乐队绿日演唱的一首歌曲,收录在乐队于2004年发行的同名专辑《American Idiot》内。

American Idiot吉他谱

American Idiot吉他谱

American Idiot吉他谱

American Idiot吉他谱

American Idiot吉他谱

American Idiot吉他谱

American Idiot吉他谱


Don't want to be an American idiot
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria
The subliminal mind f**k America
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue
Well maybe I'm the faggot America
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
Now everybody do the propaganda
And sing along to the age of paranoia
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue
Don't want to be an American idiot
One nation controlled by the media
Information age of hysteria
It's calling out to idiot America
Welcome to a new kind of tension
All across the alien nation
Everything isn't meant to be okay
Television dreams of tomorrow
We're not the ones who're meant to follow
For that's enough to argue


吉他演奏方法主要有四种:一是用手指弹奏,但指甲容易受损 ,故常有人使用假指甲或在指甲上涂上能强化指甲的指甲油, 二是使用弹片(Picks)拨弦,共鸣箱发出音乐。 三是用金属圆管(滑奏吉他,Slide Guitar)演奏。第四种较冷门,是使用一种可带在手指上的指套来演奏。吉他的祖先,可以追溯到公元前两三千年前古埃及的耐法尔,古巴比伦和古波斯的各种古弹拨乐器。考古学家找到的最古老的类似现代吉他的乐器,是公元前1400年前生活在小亚细亚和叙利亚北部的古赫梯人城门遗址上的“赫梯吉他”。8字型内弯的琴体决定了吉他属乐器特有的声音共鸣和乐器特点,这也成为吉他与其它弹拨乐器的最显著特点。